Educational Activities

The Division of Rheumatology offers the following educational activities for faculty as well as residents.  Activities for Rheumatology residents only are noted as such:
• Journal Club (weekly – Mon ams)
• OSCE Teaching (biweekly – Tues ams – Residents Only)
• Physical Exam Teaching (biweekly – Wed ams – Residents Only)
• Radiology Rounds (biweekly – Thur ams – Residents Only)
• UBC Rheumatology Weekly Rounds (weekly – Fri ams)
• Academic Halfday (weekly – Fri pms – Residents Only)

We also offer the Crash Course in Rheumatology for a week, annually in early July, for Rheumatology trainees across Canada.  More information can be found in the menu to the left.

Residents and faculty are encouraged to attend various educational conferences, including:
CRA (Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting) – February in Canada

• WAR (Western Alliance of Rheumatology Meeting) – late May in Kelowna

• BRIESE (British Columbia Rheumatology Invitational Series) – late September in Vancouver

ACR (American College of Rheumatology Association Annual Meeting) – November in the United States