Program Overview
The Rheumatology residency program is divided into two years. The first year is designed to cover basic clinical rheumatology and includes two hospital-based rotations, two Metro Vancouver community rotations and one community rotation outside of Metro Vancouver. The second year contains 2 intensive clinical blocks focusing on a range of rheumatologic diseases, one combined Pediatric and clinical block, and one full 3-block elective to give residents considerable flexibility to tailor their own training according to their specific needs and career plans.
Number of Ministry of Health funded positions per year: 2 to 3
First Year
All new trainees will attend the week-long Crash Course in July, along with their new trainee colleagues from across Canada.
St. Paul’s Hospital Consultation Service & Clinics – 3 blocks
Vancouver General Hospital Consultation Service & Clinics – 3 blocks
Community Rheumatology – 3 blocks
Fraser Health Rheumatology – 3 blocks
Explore BC – 1 block
Longitudinal Clinic – Longitudinal Clinic is setup throughout training during first and second year
Second Year
General Rheumatology Clinical Block – 3 blocks
Specialty Rheumatology Clinical Block – 3 blocks
Pediatric Rheumatology – 1 block plus Young Adult clinics
Flex Block – 3 blocks (scheduled clinics plus elective time)
Elective Block – 3 blocks (for research, local or away electives)
Transition to Discipline Clinic – A longitudinal clinic with resident’s choice of faculty, running throughout the second year except during Pediatrics and any out-of-town electives
Longitudinal Clinic – Continuation of first year longitudinal clinic, running throughout the second year except during Pediatrics and any out-of-town electives
Schedule templates can be found here.
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